Teach For All’s global organization exists to increase and accelerate network partners' progress.

A Black woman in a colorful shirt speaks as two Black women and one Black man listen smiling. All are standing close together in conversation.

Supporting the Development of New Organizations

In regions around the world, the global organization builds awareness of the network’s approach. Responding to the initiative of local social entrepreneurs working to adapt the Teach For All approach in their countries, the global organization supports prospective partners as they develop the strategies, support, and capacity necessary to launch and grow new organizations.

Learn more about how the global organization supports prospective partners >

A South Asian woman with short hair holds a laptop computer and speaks to two other women

Fostering Network Connectivity and Learning

The global organization hosts virtual and in-person learning experiences, events, communities, and knowledge platforms that enable teachers, alumni, and staff from across the network to learn from and with each other.

Watch highlights from a recent in-person gathering of the Leading From Lived Experience Fellowship >

An Asian woman writes on chart on a table in front of her while a diverse group of women watch

Providing Coaching and Consulting

Global organization staff members work closely with partner CEOs and staff to support them in tackling complex challenges and increasing their impact.

Learn how global organization specialists supported Teach For Nigeria to develop a new strategic plan >

A diverse group of 8 young adults stand behind a three dimensional sign that says UNGA

Enabling Access to Global Resources

The global organization helps connect partners with support and resources in areas such as fundraising, technology, teacher and leadership development, and public relations, and facilitates access to opportunities for elevating their voices and perspectives in the global education discussion.

Learn how our Government & Multilateral Affairs team helped bring the voices of network educators and students into the discourse at the 2024 UN General Assembly >

A diverse group of adults stands in a circle surrounding a hand-made globe

Fostering Commitment to a Shared Purpose, Vision, and Values

The global organization maintains a set of Unifying Principles co-created with the network and ensures the network is comprised of partners that live into these and a set of baseline standards for fiscal, governance, and programmatic integrity. It also tracks progress towards a set of global Intended Outcomes and works to build a culture reinforcing of the network's shared purpose, vision, and values.

Learn more about the network's Unifying Principles >

A large group of adults poses in front of an archway decorated with colorful designs

Meet Our Staff, Supporters, and Advisors


Meet the members of our global team

Learn about the individuals, foundations, and organizations that support our work

Global Board of Directors
Meet the members of our Global Board

Other Boards and Advisories
Europe Board 
UK Board 
Student Leader Advisory Council